Why choose Us.Because we are Reliable.
AMTEC specialty lubricants are a line of high pedormanco lubricants used in vatious industrial applications that are beyond the lubricating capabilities of conventional oils and greases.
AMTEC specialty lubricants are designed to reduce friction and wearunder conditions of heavy load, slow speed, temperature extremes and other difficult environments like contamination by dust or corrosive chemicals.
Our company, whtle oxporlenclng continuous growth year by year, we have recognized that our success has been achieved by Investing In research, product development, training and customer service.
We are dedicated to provide quanty products and services that meat or exceed the highest industry standerds and a commitment to excellence In specialty lubricants.
Nobody Knows Lubricants Better Than ... AMTEC

What we Do.Make our Customers Happy.
lubricants are formulated with pure hydro-processed dewaxed base oils, which outperform conventional solvent-extracted base oils. It provides better wear protection especially undet heavy load & higher temperature conditions contributed by higher viscosity index that gives superior viscositytemperature characteristics. Longer oil life is possible due to higher thermal 8. oxidation stability. This selective de-waxed base oil give better low temperature performance & lower pour point. The hydrocracking process followed by selective catalytic dewaxing remove most contaminants (e.g. sulphur 8. nitrogen) and unstable hydrocarbons (e.g. aromatics) from crude oil and rearranges hydrocarbon chains to produce a water clear and impurities free base oil contributing to lubricants superior product performance & the choice lubricant!